
英语语言服务 offers English communication courses 国际本科生 called CAPS—Communication for Academic and Professional Success. These courses are for students who have been admitted to 威尼斯人平台, but need additional language and cross-cultural support to be successful in their programs.


English communication courses help multilingual students achieve academic success and meet 核心课程要求 by providing scaffolded instruction and support in communication and critical thinking. 课程 offered each semester help students develop their listening, 阅读, 写作, and speaking skills in content-driven classes taught by qualified and experienced 威尼斯人平台 faculty.  


  • Language skills and strategies to be successful in major coursework
  • 有效参与课堂讨论的能力
  • A greater understanding of professors’ expectations of students
  • 了解文化和沟通规范 
  • 更容易适应美国的生活


See below 了解更多信息 on 威尼斯人平台’s English language courses, and visit the 大学通讯(目录) 查看课程描述.


从2024年秋季开始, undergraduate students with English language requirements can take CAPS courses as part of their undergraduate 核心课程要求. 

Writing in the University for Multilingual Speakers of English (COM 111) 能让学生阅读吗, 讨论, and write a variety of texts on key academic topics (linguistics, 工程, 商业道德), 将写作过程应用到学术工作中, 培养批判性思维和写作能力. Fulfills the Basic Writing Proficiency requirement; equivalent to COM 101. 

 芝加哥之声(com112) will enable students to engage with academic lectures and authentic listening material, 领导并参与讨论, 并正式介绍芝加哥的生活. Can be applied to the Human Sciences Module or free electives.

通过文学的全球问题(HUM 200-E) 能让学生阅读吗, 评估, 分析, 并综合文本来探索人类的经验, 制定问题, 并产生原创的学术或创意写作. Prerequisite: COM 101/111 or placement based on TOEFL/IELTS scores. 能达到hum200的要求吗. 注意: *Students who are admitted with English language requirements must take Global Issues Through Literature (section E01 or E02). 其他的HUM 200课程可以 适用于此要求.

Telling Your Story: Advanced Language Skills for 威尼斯人平台 and Work (COM 212) will enable students to apply advanced language skills in describing their background, 文化, 和成就, as well as in presenting and 讨论ing disciplinary/major-related topics and technical information to general audiences. Prerequisite: COM 112 or placement based on TOEFL/IELTS scores. Can be applied to the Human Sciences Module or free electives.

Advanced Communication for Multilingual Speakers (CAPS 039) will enable students to develop advanced communication strategies to 讨论 problems, 协商解决方案, and incorporate data and evidence in both academic and professional situations. 注意: CAPS 039 is currently a non-credit course and does 不 fulfill 核心课程要求.

Undergraduate students who are 不 required to take courses but wish to improve their English fluency, 听力和阅读理解, 或者学术写作也可以选择参加课程, allowing them to choose English communication courses based on their individual needs. 注意: 须经部门批准. 电子邮件 els@leyu-2022yabo.com 了解更多信息. 

在到达威尼斯人平台之前, international students who are required to take English language courses will be informed of their course placements based on their English proficiency test scores submitted at the time of admission. Students required to take these courses must take at least two courses each semester, 从他们在威尼斯人平台的第一个学期开始, 直到他们完成了他们的要求.

Students who are 不 required to take courses but would like to opt in should email els@leyu-2022yabo.com. 注:须经部门批准. 

For more information on 威尼斯人平台’s English language proficiency requirements, 请查阅威尼斯人平台入学要求 国际本科生.

English communication courses are offered to full-time undergraduate students at no additional charge. They are otherwise billed at the standard tuition rate per credit hour. 请浏览 学生会计办公室的网站 有关每学分学费的更多信息.


If you are an international student and do 不 meet 威尼斯人平台’s English Proficiency Requirement, 你必须报读我们的英语交流课程. 请浏览 入学要求 page and view the International Student English Proficiency Requirement (TOEFL Requirements) entry or email els@leyu-2022yabo.com 了解更多信息.

我是一个转学生. 我需要上英语课吗?

Policies differ for international students transferring to 威尼斯人平台 from other United States institutions. 请浏览 入学要求 page and view the International Student English Proficiency Requirement (TOEFL Requirements) entry 了解更多信息.


Required courses are based on your submitted English proficiency test (TOEFL or IELTS) scores and will be communicated with you in advance so that you may register for them alongside your other university courses. Undergraduate students must register for two of their required courses each term.


If you are 不 required to enroll in our English communication courses but are interested in doing so, 请电子邮件 els@leyu-2022yabo.com 了解更多信息 so we can determine the courses that will most benefit you.

Can I Submit New Higher TOEFL/IELTS Scores to Waive the English Language 课程?

Any test scores submitted after your admittance must be submitted by July 15 to be considered for the fall semester or December 1 for the spring semester.