Illinois Tech Privacy Statement

1. Scope

这是伊利诺斯理工学院(“伊利诺斯理工学院”)网站和页面的隐私声明。. 威尼斯人平台致力于在您访问其网页或访问其服务时保护您的隐私. 本声明旨在告知您威尼斯人平台在您访问我们的服务时收集的信息, how we utilize this information and your options with respect to the same. 本声明中披露的信息可能会根据威尼斯人平台的自行决定定期更改. 您继续使用本网站即表示您理解并接受本隐私声明.

2. Privacy Notices and Policies


A. Web Privacy Notice

Personally Identifiable Information

As used in this statement, 个人身份信息(“PII”)是指可用于识别的任何信息, contact or locate an individual, and may include but is not limited to name, mailing or email addresses, or telephone number. Illinois Tech does not collect your PII when you visit our website unless you choose to provide such information to us; providing such information is strictly voluntary. Illinois Tech does not sell or rent to third parties PII submitted by visitors to our website, and we will not share such information with third parties, unless stated otherwise herein, or in the event the third-party is a subcontractor of Illinois Tech, or as required by law. We may share quantitative, anonymized, aggregate, non-personal data about our site visitors with affiliates, sponsors, institutional partners and other third parties.

Google Analytics

我们可能会使用分析工具(如Google Analytics)来监控和收集有关本网站使用情况的某些信息, and to adjust our content to better serve the needs of the viewer. 谷歌使用和共享谷歌分析收集的有关您访问本网站的信息的能力取决于 Google Analytics Terms of Use and the Google Privacy Policy. 您可以通过禁用浏览器上的cookie来阻止Google Analytics在您回访本网站时识别您.

Third-Party Ad Networks, Remarketing and Behavioral Advertising

Although this website does not present advertising from third parties, 我们可以通过谷歌的数字广告网络在其他网站上参与我们自己的节目的行为广告, Facebook, LinkedIn和类似的服务为再营销创造定制受众,并根据兴趣定位相似的受众. This means that we may use cookies, pixel tags, analogous technologies, etc. 从这些网络获取广告,以帮助衡量广告效果(转换跟踪),并确定您是否访问过我们的网站和互联网上的其他网站,以便网络可以根据您的兴趣提供有关产品和服务的广告. 如果您想退出第三方行为广告,这些广告会收集您使用本网站和其他网站的信息, you can do so by visiting the Digital Advertising Alliance.

Custom and Lookalike Audience (

Illinois Tech may participate in Meta's Custom and Lookalike Audience program. 这使我们能够向访问Facebook的个人显示个性化广告,这些个人与自定义源受众的相关人口统计和兴趣相匹配, which may be comprised of email addresses and phone numbers. You may opt out of participation in our Meta Custom Audience by sending an email, from the email address you are opting out of, to For your opt-out to be effective, you must: (i) place the following text in the subject line of the email - "Opting Out of Website Custom Audience Ads", and (ii) in the body of the email, include your name and email address. We will forward your name and email address to with a request to delete you from all of our Meta Custom Audience Ads.

Use of Links

在我们的网页中,我们提供指向第三方网站的链接,这些网站可能包含读者感兴趣的信息. We take no responsibility for, and exercise no control over, these organizations, their views, their technology or the accuracy of the information contained on these third-party websites.

B. Cookie Policy

Like most websites, we use a feature of your browser to set a "cookie" on your computer. Cookies are small text files that reside on your computer that may identify you, anonymously, as a unique visitor. 我们对cookie的使用不会仅仅基于我们对cookie的使用而向我们透露您的个人信息. We use cookies to analyze internet traffic patterns and user interests, track user movement within our website, and gather broad demographic information (e.g., age and gender) for aggregate use for reporting purposes. 信誉良好的网络浏览器将使您能够拒绝cookie或选择接受哪些cookie. 请注意,通过您的网络浏览器禁用cookie可能会干扰或禁止您享受我们网站的全部功能. 

Learn more about cookies and how you can disable them in your browser.

C. European Union Individuals

Scope: This section applies to individuals in the EU. 请阅读以下重要信息,了解我们持有的有关您的个人资料(见下文)的权利. 威尼斯人平台致力于按照通用数据保护条例(GDPR)保护个人的隐私和个人数据。. The GDPR is designed to harmonize data privacy laws across Europe, protect and empower all EU citizens' data privacy, and reshape the way organizations approach data privacy.

Data Subject: A Data subject is the individual the personal data relates to.

Personal Data: Personal Data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable person.

Data processing — Any action performed on data, whether automated or manual. 

Data Controller: The Data Controller is the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data. Illinois Tech is the data controller for your Personal Data.

Data Processor: The Data Processor is a legal or a natural person, agency, public authority, or any other body who processes personal data on behalf of a Data Controller.

  • Your Rights
  • Under the GDPR, individuals have the following rights regarding their personal data:
  • 访问权:个人有权访问其个人数据并获取有关其处理方式的信息.
  • 更正权:如果个人资料不完整,个人有权要求更正或填写不准确的个人资料.
  • 删除权:在没有令人信服的理由继续处理个人数据的情况下,个人有权要求删除或删除其个人数据.
  • 限制处理的权利:在某些情况下,个人有权阻止或抑制对其个人数据的处理.
  • 数据可移植性的权利:个人有权在不同的服务中获取和重复使用他们的个人数据.
  • 反对权:个人有权反对在某些情况下处理其个人数据, including for direct marketing purposes.

Lawful Basis for Processing

威尼斯人平台使用您提供给我们的信息以及我们收集的有关您的信息来提供服务和支持, including carrying out operations and managing theeducational, research, and administrative needs to the University community. In addition, 威尼斯人平台可能会处理有关选民的信息,以发展其他合法利益, such as analyzing and improving our services, responding to requests or inquiries, providing outreach efforts, conducting general research, complying with legal obligations, protecting the health safety, rights, and/or property of the University and its community, or where express consent has been provided. 大学将按照您所提供的同意处理您的个人数据,用于指定的目的, or as necessary to: (i) advance the University’s legitimate interests, (ii) perform a contract with you (or for your benefit) or fulfill a request you have made, (iii) comply with a legal obligation, and/or (iv) to protect the vital interest of you or another person. 威尼斯人平台不会将您的个人数据用于对您的影响超过我们利益的活动, unless we have your consent or those activities are otherwise required or permitted by law. You may contact us to exercise your rights.

Data Security and Protection

威尼斯人平台实施适当的技术和组织措施,以确保与个人数据处理相关的风险相适应的安全级别. These measures are designed to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure, or access.

Changes: 如果本隐私政策中所述的数据处理活动发生重大变化,我们将在网站显著位置发布通知,通知您, or otherwise as required by law.

3. Contact Us

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your rights under applicable law, you can contact the applicable department below:

Applicants for undergraduate programs may contact:

Illinois Institute of Technology
Visitors Center, The McCormick Tribune Campus Center
3201 S. State Street, Chicago, IL 60616

Applicants for graduate programs may contact:

Illinois Institute of Technology
10 West 33rd Street, Perlstein Hall, Room 203, Chicago, IL 60616

All students and alumni may contact:

Office of the Registrar
Michael Paul Galvin Tower, 10 West 35th Street, Suite 2C4-2, Chicago, IL 60616

The following information is required:

Your name and designation (applicant, student, or employee);
Your contact information, including email and postal addresses;
Description of the issue or inquiry

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